In belo you can send both pesos and cryptocurrencies:
A transfer to another $belotag, either in pesos or cryptocurrencies.
A transfer of Argentine pesos to a bank account or payment account via CBU/CVU
A crypto transfer to an external crypto wallet address.
At the time of sending, you can introduce the corresponding address in the "Send" box, or use the QR code scanner on the right.
Which QR codes are "scannable" from belo?
Crypto addresses:
BTC (Legacy, Segwit and Lightning Network).
ENS (Ethereum Name Services) domains
CBU, CVU or Alias CBU/CVU for Argentine peso transfers
At the moment it is not possible to scan Mercado Pago QR codes to make payments in physical or virtual merchants with your cryptocurrencies. It is recommended that you add your physical or virtual card to the Mercado Pago app in order to scan the code from their app and make your purchase.
Make it simple